Monday, October 31, 2016

Cheap, easy homemade funnel cake Halloween costume

Why not make a funny funnel cake costume for Halloween this year? It's certainly unique. Cheap craft supplies make it easy. Everyone will drool over this costume. After all, who doesn't love funnel cake? Here's a step by step guide.
The outfit

First you'll need something to wear. Black slacks with a white short sleeved shirt will have you looking like a food service worker. Add red suspenders and a paper hat to make this costume authentic. A red bow tie makes for a comical touch. The idea is to look like someone passing out a funnel cake at a carnival.

The table

Cut out a large cardboard square as a table base for the funnel cake. Cover the "table" with a cheap red checked plastic tablecloth by stapling it to the cardboard and cutting off the excess fabric. Punch two holes and put a string through. Hang the cardboard around your neck. This is the base of the costume that keeps it stable.

The plate

Trace a huge circle onto a piece of white poster board and cut it out. The funnel cake for this costume is really big so it needs a big plate. Use a small round lid to trace scallops around the edge of the "plate". Cut out the scallops. Use a glue gun to adhere the plate to the table. Let the glue dry before proceeding to the next step.

The funnel cake

Cut out or purchase a Styrofoam circle, slightly smaller than the plate as the funnel cake base. Use a cheap foam cutter or Exacto knife to cut random holes and pieces from the foam. Glue the funnel cake base to the "plate". Let dry. Glue small pieces of Styrofoam peanuts to the foam circle for texture. This is best done with a glue gun or foam glue. Let it dry before proceeding to the next step..

Finishing the funnel cake.

Lightly and randomly spritz the Styrofoam circle and peanuts with light tan spray paint from a distance of about two feet. This gives a fried look to the funnel cake by adding color and melting the foam peanuts ever so slightly.

Funnel cakes have powdered sugar frosting. Spray the funnel cake with spray glue, taking care not to get any on the plate or table. Dump a mound of actual powdered sugar on top of the glue. Shake off the excess.

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