Friday, December 9, 2016

Sewing cheap homemade baby gifts for Christmas

Cheap homemade baby gifts for Christmas are both useful and treasured. Sewing Christmas gifts for baby is so much more special than buying them. "Handmade by" labels give cheap baby Christmas gifts a personal touch. Sewing these cheap homemade baby gifts for Christmas warms the heart of the giver, the parents and the baby for many years to come.
Receiving blankets
Sewing receiving blankets for homemade baby Christmas gifts is both cheap and simple. For single layer homemade receiving blankets, hem a 1 ½ yard piece of flannel.

Make a double layer receiving blanket by sewing two pieces of 1 ½ yard flannel together.

Turn right sides facing each other. Sew three sides together at the edges. Turn the blanket right side out. Fold the un-sewn side inward and stitch together. Bind if you like. To keep this gift from shifting in the wash, sew an x from corner to corner to hold the two pieces of fabric in place.

Homemade quilted blankets
Sewing cheap quilted baby blankets is easy using quilted ready made fabric. Christmas baby gifts like this keep infants cozy on cold winter nights. Buy 1 ½ yards of quilted baby or Christmas design fabric. You will also need 4-6 yards of binding tape to go around the blanket. Simply sew the binding around the blanket and you're done.

Homemade feeding bibs
Baby bibs are a useful and cheap Christmas gift. Use an old bib to trace a pattern onto flannel scraps. Cut out the bib shape. Sew binding tape around the bib leaving the excess to use as ties. Stitch the tie portion of the binding to itself to prevent fraying. Make a dozen of these cheap homemade baby gifts for Christmas and package together.

Burping bibs
This sewing project fancies up the plain cloth diapers most people use for burping babies over their shoulder. Find cheap pink or blue gingham checked binding tape in your local craft or fabric store. Stitch it around a plain cloth diaper to jazz it up. Tie several into a bundle with a matching pink or blue bow for giving.

Cloth books
Check the sewing department of your local craft store for Christmas fabric by the yard. There you'll find printed fabric to make cloth baby books. All the instructions and materials needed are printed right on the fabric. This is a truly cheap and easy homemade baby gift for Christmas.

Stuffed animals
You'll also find the fabric for easy stuffed animals in the fabric department of a craft store. Simple stuffed animal shapes are already printed on the fabric. Just cut, sew and stuff. All directions are once again printed on the fabric. What nice homemade Christmas gifts for baby!

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