It's winter break. Temperatures are
in the single digits. Your kids are sick with the common cold. Is it
OK to let them play outside? Will they get sicker? Well, I'm no
doctor. Still, I have a few years of sage advice and parenting skills
under my belt. I say, as long as your kids aren't burning up with
fever, vomiting or showing other signs of a more serious illness,
it's OK to let them play outside in winter weather with a simple
cold. Here's why.
The germs are indoors.By now, most parents know why kids get sicker in winter months. If you didn't, it's because the germs are confined to small spaces. Windows don't get opened as often. Therefore, germs linger around the home to infect both kids and adults. The air outside is fresh and clean. Why not let kids breathe a little in? It won't hurt. It might help.
Staying active helps kids get well faster.
If your kids are seriously ill, they need their rest. On the other hand, if they just have the sniffles and a slight cough, staying active might help their systems to heal more efficiently. Lately we've been hearing about the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Why wouldn't the same principle apply to your sick kids?
Cool, damp air helps clear lungs.
When kids have a cold, we parents break out the cool air humidifier, don't we? It helps loosen phlegm and mucus in their lungs, right? Well, what is the outdoors in winter weather? Isn't it just one giant cool air humidifier? Factor in the deep breathing kids do as they run and play outside and you have a powerful lung clearing activity.
Do bundle them up.
I would never suggest you expose a sick kid (or any other kid) to freezing temperatures without some protection. Dress them in warm layers. Be sure they wear gloves, hats and scarves. Once they come in, remove any damp clothing. Have a clean, dry, warm outfit ready for them to change into. A little hot chocolate wouldn't hurt either.
Limit outdoor time.
Naturally, you don't want your sick kids playing outside for hours at a time in cold weather. Brief intervals are best. Monitor sick kids carefully. Check on them frequently to make sure they are staying warm and symptoms are not increasing in severity. Can you let sick kids play outside in winter? Absolutely. You just have to use common sense.
Please note:
The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is an opinion piece based on parenting experience and not intended to replace professional medical consultation.
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