Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Grandma's in house residents shrink again. Yes, again!

Some of my butterflies are spreading their wings and flying away from Grandma's House

It looks like I'll be losing 5 tenants very soon. My daughter, her significant other and 3 of the kids are going on a summer trip. But it's not just any summer trip. It's a trip in their new temporary home.

How do you take a trip in your new house? Well, that's easy when your house is on wheels. With the economy the way it is, rents are most definitely too darn high for some people to live independently. That's why many are turning to camper living, including my daughter. Because when they get back from their summer break, she intends to make the camper into a semi-permanent home for at least half of her family.

Now, granted, I'm not sure how I feel about my loved ones living this way. But it's not my life is it? It's theirs. And if they feel comfortable with it and excited about it, hey, I'm not raining on their parade. It's been nice having them here, albeit a bit tense and crowded at times. But I completely understand their need for their own space, no matter how small a space it may be.

And I guess in some ways, it'll be nice. We could use a little privacy ourselves. It'll also be nice to be able to continue our remodel projects without tripping over someone every few feet. Ha! And now that there will be some actual empty rooms in the house, we can start there.

I suppose you might be wondering about the other two kids. Where will they go? Well, they are 17 and 19 now. So first of all, they aren't exactly helpless. Secondly, their Dad has plans to buy or rent a home large enough for whichever of his kids wants to stay with him.

Until then, of course, they're welcome here. You know, you guys, it's not a perfect solution, splitting up their little family. But as long as everyone concerned is happy and healthy, this grandma is fine with it.

I will miss them all, of course. I've gotten used to them being right here whenever I want to spend time with them. But hey, there's always everyday visits, holidays and special occasions. It's not like I won't ever see them again.

I'm still their grandma after all. No matter how many transitions they face, that won't change.Plus, I'm so happy for them!

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