Friday, July 8, 2016

Family road trips - Pack for stress free travel

Taking your family on a road trip this summer? It doesn't have to be a scenario from “National Lampoon's Vacation.” Every road trip has it's ups and downs. Still, you can avoid a few glitches along the way by packing well. Your family will appreciate you packing these little survival kits to make the road trip run smoothly.

Here at Grandma's house, with 5 kids, 4 adults and numerous pets, road trips are a necessity. It really helps to break out of the routine and the house. Over the years, I've gotten pretty good at preparing for family road trips. One thing I do is keep a few kits prepared that can just be tossed in the car at a moment's notice.

Snacks in a backpack lessen stops.

Kids and adults alike get cranky cramped up in the car between food stops. Packing non-perishables like nuts, dried fruit and granola bars is a good idea. Keep everyone's blood sugar stable while traveling. Put a few treat items like cookies and chips in the snack pack too. Keep water bottles on hand to cut down on pit stops.

Picnicking saves money and ads to the adventure

Eating exclusively at roadside diners, restaurants and fast food venues can be quite pricey. Consider the addition of a picnic cooler when packing. Fill the cooler with bread and sandwich supplies to save on buying lunch. It can be fun to have rest area picnics. Deli or homemade salads, pickles and olives pack well and can bring a little variety to family road trip lunches. Don't forget the drinks!

Keep kids busy with an activity kit.

“Mom, I'm bored”. This is the cry of all children, whether on a family road trip or not. The activity pack should be filled with puzzle books, magazines and travel games for bored kids and adults. Don't forget pens and pencils. Younger children might appreciate Mom packing a coloring book and crayons for the ride as well. Bring along a Frisbee or ball for leg stretching rest area fun.

Pack a “mess” kit.

There will be messes on the family road trip. Is there anything more miserable than a sticky fingered kid? Bring along napkins, paper towels and plenty of wet wipes to clean up the car and family members. Have a wet washcloth in a plastic sandwich bag for those times when the mess is too big for the wet wipes. A little brush broom and dustpan can be stored under the car seat for easy access.

Make rest stops better.

Road side restrooms and gas stations aren't equipped for everything. Sometimes they're even out of basic supplies. Packing a bag with sanitary seat covers and toilet tissue is handy for these occasions. Grooming supplies like hair products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, brushes and combs should be packed into this kit as well.

Note: Consider packing two of these bags, one for the men and another for the ladies, since they'll use separate facilities.

The first aid kit should be well stocked and easy to access.

Hopefully, it won't be needed. Still, if there's a medical emergency, you'll be glad you're prepared. First aid kits for all needs are available in many camping supply stores. It's also possible to put together your own. The main things are bandages, antiseptic and pain reliever. Don't forget extra prescription medications in case of unforeseen delays..

Are you ready for an unexpected vehicle break down?

Before leaving on a long road trip, be sure all maintenance is up to date. Have a mechanic check for any possible problems before starting on a trip. Replace belts, hoses and wipers, get a complete oil change that includes all flushes and fluids. It'll be much more expensive to have work done on the road. Pack a spare tire, flares and jack for roadside emergencies. It doesn't hurt to have extra fluids either. The car may take a beating with this continual road trip travel.

Be ready to camp out, even if you're planning to use hotels.

Time calculations may go astray. You may become too tired to drive further safely. Either way, you may not quite make it to your hotel one night. Be sure to pack blankets. Add a small tent just in case a campground is close. Sleeping in the car is possible but not all that comfortable.

Note: Rather than grumbling, make it an adventure to be remembered. Who knows? The family may actually enjoy an impromptu night of camping under the stars. After all, a family road trip is about the journey, not the destination.

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