Wednesday, June 22, 2016

How is this house so peaceful?

And that's just the people!
 OK, sometimes it's not exactly quiet. However, for the most part, with 10 people and a ton of cats and dogs belonging to various people, Grandma's house is actually very peaceful most of the time. The older kids pretty much occupy themselves, the younger kids are busy playing indoors or out, the grown-ups (and everyone else) have hobbies and responsibilities. Even the dogs and cats are pretty quiet.

The only time it's extremely noisy is when we're all hanging out and having fun, really. Oh sure, we have our spats. But those are over pretty quickly in most cases. I think because we'd rather enjoy our lives than pick at each other. And ya, surprise! We do pick at each other. We're not perfect by any means.

Sometimes people get the idea that we think we're perfect, but we have no such illusions. My daughter and I both write some awesome blogs and articles on parenting, so that's likely where people get that impression. But how do you think we got so smart about parenting? Well, just like anyone else, we live and learn and make tons of mistakes along the way.

And we do make lots of noise here and there. It's just that most of us are pretty happy with ourselves. We're not rich by any stretch of the imagination. But we try to live by our individual convictions and just generally be good people. And that's the secret, isn't it? Right there. I mean, happy people who feel good about themselves are generally at peace with others as well.

Anyway, to be completely honest, I'm not exactly sure why it's usually so quiet here with all these people and pets. I'm just glad it is. LOL

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