Now, there's a statement you don't hear
often! Once again, things have changed at Grandma's house and I'm
loving it. Last weekend, my son, daughter-in-law and baby
granddaughter moved in. It's been so nice having them here. The condo
they were renting is up for sale, so we invited them to stay a bit
while they transition.
My son, Jesse and his little family are
happy, considerate, thoughtful, helpful, kind and so much more. It's
been a real pleasure having them here. In fact, unlike many roommates,
they've made our lives so much easier that I'm hoping they decide to
stay permanently.
My son has fixed several things already
in the week he's been here, despite his busy work schedule and the
long commute. And he does it with a smile and no complaints. It's
been hard for Gary. He's working long hours lately. So, Jesse has
done a few of the small jobs he couldn't get to and some that I
couldn't handle or didn't know how to do. Gary and I are both very
My daughter-in-law, Casi really
understands how sick I am and does something to ease my burden every
day, several times a day. I have a rough time driving now, so she has
given me rides a couple times. Sometimes she brings me a glass of
water or whatever I need when I'm stuck in my chair. Sometimes she
cooks dinner for everyone. Whatever I need, she is right there to
help. And with 7 month old Chloe to tend to, as well!
We have help with the bills, too and
there's always someone here when I need a jar opened! May the
miracles never cease!
But it's not just about the help. It's
so nice to have their company. There's no craziness, no fighting, no
attitude. Just pleasant conversation and a lot of love. And of
course, there's that cute little baby to play with. Chloe is equally
as calm as her parents and smart as all get out as well. Ya, these
really aren't your typical roommates.
I also must mention that “our” Aja,
my 15 year old granddaughter who's lived with us since about the age
of 9 or 10, is truly maturing. She's attending the small town school
here, where she is really shining. She's even being honored at
assembly this coming week. She has made a ton of new friends, is
learning to drive, does her chores without being asked, helps me by
carrying in weekly groceries, keeps her room spotless and has a
fantastic attitude. She's such a joy to have around.
And what can I say about Gary that
hasn't already been said? The man works his tushie off to put a roof
over all our heads. I often wonder what I would have done when Lupus
hit me if I wasn't already with Gary. Much as I would love to go back
to work, it just isn't in the cards. So, I repay his kindness by
keeping the house up, paying bills, doing book-work and just generally
making a nice home for him to enjoy when he does have some time off.
It's the least I can do.
None of us are picture perfect, mind
you. We all have our faults and our weaknesses. It's just that we all
understand that and are considerate of each other, especially in that
respect. I'm loving my roomates these days, past, present and future.
All are welcome at Grandma's house. Whether or not they have the
capacity to be helpful. I love my peeps!
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