Tuesday, September 27, 2016

How to get kids to do fall yard work

Somehow, this Grandma is not surprised that raking, weeding and such isn't on your kids' list of priorities. They're probably not on my grand-kids' lists either. Thank goodness there are two sure ways to get kids to do anything. One is setting a good example. The other is making it fun and worth their while. Which approach you use might depend on the task. If you want kids to do fall yard work, it might take a little of both.

Get into the spirit.

Let kids see the adults having a good time with fall yard work. Show them the value of a job well done. Take the time to care for your investment properly. Keep tools neatly stored and well-maintained. All this sets the stage for having children who appreciate the pay-off of a little sweat equity.

Give them a reason to invest their time.

After all, once you get the yard cleaned up there might be room for that pool next summer. A basketball hoop might look good over the garage. This is their home, too. Want kids to do fall yard work? Make it worthwhile. They should reap the rewards of hard work just as you do. Make it a home, not a house. Get them involved with both the work and the results.

Ask for their input.

What would they like to do with the yard? You might be surprised at the great ideas kids have. Sit down together as a family to plan next year's yard. Figure out what it will take to make all your dreams come true. Make your dreams mesh into something the whole family can enjoy. Then, tackle the work it takes to see them through.

Reward their hard work in multiple ways.
Sometimes the results are a reward in themselves. Other times, it takes a little more encouragement. You can certainly pay kids who work extra hard as well. That doesn't necessarily mean monetary payment. Sincere compliments go a long way toward building self esteem in your kids. Or, you can take it one step further.

Throw a fall clean-up party.

Why not show off your hard work to family and friends? Brag about your kids' accomplishments to your party guests. Or you could make the party and the clean-up one and the same. Make it fun for both you and the kids. Oh, and one last very important detail. Don't forget to save a few leaf piles for smaller kids to jump in. Better yet, join them. You deserve some fall fun too.

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