There are nine people in my house right
now. Nine! That's one more than my folks had with 6 kids. Time is a
real issue. Still, it's OK. Why? Because I handle it grandma style. I
have a calendar on the wall and I'm not afraid to use it. I better
not be. Because that sucker is a necessity these days.
Today is a typical, not even all that
busy, day for me:
Get daughter #1 to work by 6 am on the
other side of town, while squeezing in a driving lesson.
Get the boyfriend ready for work. (Make
coffee, breakfast and pack his lunch)
Make sure grand-daughter #3 is up and
doing her online homeschooling by 8:30.
Supervise said schooling.
Keep grandson #1 busy, as he is off
school this week.
Fill up the gas tank.
Take grand-daughter #2 to work across
town, while squeezing in a driving lesson, by 10:30.
Clean the house to make room for the
Christmas tree with grand-daughter #1.
Shine the badly and “naturally”
distressed wood floors up.
Buy tree.
Put up tree.
Make sure the house stays clean all
Squeeze in a little fun for all the
kids so it's not all work, no play.
Catch up the laundry that I started
Plan and make lunch for me and make
sure all the kids that are home eat something nutritious.
Pick up daughter #1 at 2:30
Take daughter #1 to return alternator
core for refund.
Come back home and re-clean the house.
Plan and make dinner.
Pick up grand-daughter #2 from work at
7:30 pm.
Do the dinner dishes.
Flop in my chair.
Ya, and that's just the highlights. In
between, I have to make everyone feel loved and such, dish out the
chores and all the numerous other stuff that goes with the house,
such as due bills reminders, book-work, etc. Wait, did I do any
writing today? Painting? Photography? Anything that generates money?
Luckily, I rock it grandma style. I've
been doing this kind of thing for many years and even though I'm
chronically ill, I know how to prioritize and schedule everything so
that I don't faint dead away before the day is through.
Of course,
once the day is through, that's another story. Zzzzzzzzzz
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