Thursday, November 12, 2015

Grandma's house plus HOW many?

Yup, that's about the size of it alright.
Looks like it's going to be Grandma and Gary's house plus 7 for a while. And if you count all our respective furry friends, well let's not even go there. The last thing we need is animal control paying us an unnecessary visit. Suffice it to say that our house is going to be chock full of love for the next few months as we make room for a few transitioning family members and their companions.

I'm OK with it. It's not going to be the easiest thing to deal with, for sure. But Gary and I love the crap out of all these people so here we are. And here they are again. Here we all are together. You get the idea. Plus, they'll all be moving out soon and of course, I'll be thanking goodness while not so secretly mourning their absence. Ain't life grand and ironic?

Today, I did some rearranging. We're going to need an extra fridge with all these people here. Luckily, we needed a new one anyway so our familial house guests can use the old one. Made room for all the extra non-perishables by adding a spare portable cupboard to the kitchen.

Stuck our old back-up portable dishwasher in the garage as someone recently let us know that our Christmas gift is going to be a new dishwasher. Best Christmas gift ever, thank-you, Hugh and Patty. That old portable one was mostly serving as a counter-top since the connections didn't fit our sink. Gary never was able to find the right size adapters.

As for the old built in, I'll be glad to wish it a not so fond farewell. It was good while it lasted but since it stopped working, it tends to fill up with stagnant water from sink drainage. Which is far from pleasant and necessitates running yucky, chemically bleach through it a couple times a week.

And as you can imagine, with 8 people and heaven knows how many pets in the house, we need that dishwasher, plus whatever other help we can get. So grateful for the gift!

Aja spent the morning doing home-school and cleaning her room on breaks. What a great kid! She's kind of sad to give up her room. Amber and Tia are older, though and need their privacy more. Amber's an adult now, when did that happen? IDK I'm mystified!

So, 3 adults, 2 kids and numerous furry friends in the half finished basement. 3 adults, one older teen, a dog and a cat upstairs. Oh, and did I mention that there's only one bathroom? The other one is still in the process of being remodeled. Oh and did I mention that someone is pregnant. No! Not me! Silly! My daughter is carrying baby # 5. I'm sure that in her condition, she's absolutely thrilled about the whole one bathroom thing.

Ah, well, life is never perfect. But if you're lucky, you get to spend a large portion of it with loved ones. A really large portion in a really small 60's brick house, in our case. Bwa ha ha ha Oh well. They're welcome and we love them. And that's really all that matters, isn't it?

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